Quiet Boxing Day in Port Moresby

Most Boxing Day shoppers with vehicles were lucky enough to escape the scourging heat, taking shelter in the various mega shops such as Foodworld Waterfront, Vision City and the newly opened Stop N Shop plaza(Waigani).
Discounts were put up by shops in true Boxing Day style as various shops made ridiculously low mark-downs in order to get rid of old stock before the New Year.
By 2pm the streets were empty and a certain Post Apocalyptic feeling of dread and loneliness could be felt to the rare passerby. Safe to say this year 2014's Boxing Day was one that all will remember as a time of rest and relaxation.
For those of you who did not yet get your Christmas greeting, A belated merry Christmas to you and may all your dreams come true in the new year 2015.
PNG Today/Post Courier
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