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De La Salle Secondary school student Lesley Mark wins Australia Week Essay Competition

De La Salle Secondary school student Lesley Mark is the proud first-prize winner of the Australian Week Essay competition for the National Capital District region. He was presented a new laptop from the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research by Country Manager Emily Flowers who visited him at his school on Friday 3 July.
Lesley’s essay on the topic, How can good nutrition, like traditional food, help reduce the impact of tuberculosis? looks at the concept that it is an individual’s choice to increase or reduce the spread of tuberculosis in the country.
“Choosing to eat the nutritious, traditional food that we abundantly have can be an important factor in reducing the impact of tuberculosis in PNG,” Lesley says.
Patience Pip of Marianville Secondary School took out the second prize while James Madai of St Joseph International Catholic College came in third. Both Patience and James received vouchers that was also sponsored by the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research.

Media Release by Australian High Commission Port Moresby , Papua New Guinea 

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