United Nations Call for Solidarity towards Peace and SDGs

The theme of this year’s Peace Day highlights the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which 193 Member States of the UN unanimously adopted last year, as Building Blocks for Peace. Conflict often starts when people compete over limited resources. The SDGs serve as a global blueprint to prevent such conflicts from arising by making sure no one is left behind and peace will last.
“Sustainable development is essential for lasting peace, and both depend on respect for human rights. We need to protect our planet. And only by working together can we make our common home safe for future generations. All of us can be sustainable development advocates and spread the word about SDGs. And we can all hold our governments to account for keeping their pledge to the future,” states the UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon.
In Papua New Guinea, the UN works to support and promote human rights, peace and development through its multi-agency programme. A special focus has been on supporting the PNG Government and the Autonomous Region of Bougainville on implementing the Bougainville Peace Agreement. This include strengthening political dialogue between the two governments, supporting awareness on the referendum and building social cohesion and community security. It continues to support women’s participation in leadership and addressing gender-based violence.
On this International Day of Peace, the UN in Papua New Guinea reaffirms our commitment to ensure lasting peace in Bougainville and throughout Papua New Guinea. Peace is an inevitable piece to develop Papua New Guinea in sustainable, equitable, and effective manner. For us to achieve SDGs, the global goal, peace and justice need to be established in every single corner of the society in the country.
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