PNG maintains Australia is responsible for Refugees on Manus Island

Immigration Minister Petrus Thomas said this when responding to questions by NBC News regarding the legal responsibility of the detainees.
Minister Thomas in a statement said that Australia is obliged to look after them as far as the Law is concerned.
“The Minister in a statement says, legal advise from government lawyers based on domestic and international laws is that, Australia is still responsible for any persons transferred to PNG under the Regional Resettlement Agreement. This he said because the asylum seekers initially sought asylum in Australia and Australia has an obligation as a signatory to the 1951 Refugees Convention. The PNG's Immigration Minister bluntly says this responsibility cannot be transferred or passed on to PNG.
Petrus Thomas says, the asylum seekers were ONLY transferred to PNG for the purpose of being processed to determine their status, whether they are genuine refugees or not. He further says, the agreement is clear that PNG does not have the obligation on refugees refusing to settle in the country and non- refugees that cannot be returned. The Minister says Australia maintains the responsibility of finding durable outcome for persons who cannot reside or remain in PNG.
NBC News/ PNG Today
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