Lae police foil armed robbery

The SRU 103 was on patrol when they spotted a suspicious looking person, stopped and searched him.
Upon searching, the Police found his bag filled with homemade guns.
The man was immediately apprehended by SRU members, taken to Lae Central Police Station and further interrogated.
It was revealed by the suspect that he was moving firearms and was to be picked up by another group in a vehicle. The vehicle description was given by the suspect.
The vehicle, as told by the suspect, was arranged by a person working for a company. The accomplice had handed over the vehicle to the rest of the gang members, and would report it stolen after they completed the robbery.
The robbery never took place, and sure enough, the known Company vehicle was reported stolen by the accomplice.
The accomplice has been detained by Police while the company vehicle remains missing.
West Taraka has been very quiet, however there a small pockets of criminal elements still operating there.
We ask that you all (criminal elements) refrain from this. You will not get far.
Thank you to SRU 103 members and all our other units for a Job Well Done on Friday 09th of March 2018. NBC News Morobe/PNG Today
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