Over 13,780 Gender Based and Family Sexual Violence cases in PNG reported within two years

This was revealed by the Papua New Guinea Chief of Operations Deputy Police Commissioner Mr Jim Andrews during the Family Sexual Violence Law and Justice Stakeholder Consultation meet yesterday in Port Moresby.
However Andrews also revealed that only 738 arrests were made from the reported cases while 5, 495 cases are pending further action.
He admitted that the number of reported cases was very high compared to the arrests made between 2015 and 2016.
DCP Andrews said the Police are also faced with their own challenges relating to funding, resources and manpower, however there is one main setback in GBV/FSV cases and that is to do with the victim’s reluctance in bringing the perpetrator to justice.
“There are times when we try to make arrests and the victim decides to change her mind at last minute to let the offender go, she could be threatened or there may be other reasons but this does not help bring GBV/FSV perpetrators to justice “ said Andrews.
The Meet between partners and stakeholders will continue until Wednesday with two objectives of the meeting;
• Inform stakeholders in law sector on progress on FSV/GVB
• Contribute to a write up of a consolidated strategy that informs Law and Justice Sector and government on how agencies are addressing FSV issues.
Picture: the participants of the Family Sexual Violence Law and Justice Stakeholder Consultation Meeting
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