Kopkop College creates more learning opportunities
Maria Kopkop, Executive Director for Kopkop College, stated that there was a need to expand the college from basic learning education to FODE as a huge number of children from upper primary school in Kavieng could not access a place in secondary school.
“We needed to create a FODE learning centre because the number a children was so huge that I thought to myself I need to assist and provide for these children,” said Ms Kopkop.
“Our mission is to provide education for our children so that they can complete their school.”
She stated that the FODE learning centre was not only open to children but to fathers, mothers, and grandparents as well.
“They can be able to learn Maths, English, Science and Social Science as these opportunities will help them advance their skills and knowledge,” she said.
“We are very happy with our efforts and we hope to expand to Namatanai in 2019.”
Kopkop College is based in Port Moresby and also has a distance learning centre – Commercial Training College (CTC) – which has been certified by the University of Papua New Guinea (UPNG).
Picture: Ms. Kopkop /PNGFM
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