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PNG Parliament pays tribute to late William Samb

PNG Prime Minister James Marape has described late Minister for Commerce and Industry and Goilala MP William Samb as a fine leader who put the interest of people first.

PNG Parliament pays tribute to late William Samb [Photo by NBC News]

Mr. Marape said other people leave behind parts of a story but the late Mr. Samb left behind a full chapter.

He said the late Mr. Samb was the bridge that linked the people of Goilala to PNG and that bridge must be maintained. 

The late Mr. Samb was remembered for his work in helping to promote and push through the ICAC Bill and the Bougainville Referendum agenda.

Opposition Leader Belden Namah said the late Mr. Samb was a friend to all and enemy to none. 

Mr. Namah highlighted the unprecedented large number of 7 deaths in this term of Parliament reminding everyone that death has no respect for position or status. 

Deputy Prime Minister Sam Basil, Abau MP Sir Puka Temu, Health Minister Jelta Wong and East Sepik Governor Allan Bird also paid tribute to the late MP.

More MPs are expected to pay tribute to the late Samb today in the house.

NBC News / PNG Today

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