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PNG Warned about Threat of Coffee Berry Borer

Papua New Guinea has been warned to pay significant attention to the coffee berry borer, which is currently a major threat to the industry. 

This was highlighted by the Acting Secretary for the Department of Agriculture and Livestock, Dr. Nelson Simbiken, at the launch of the Agriculture Commercialisation and Diversification Project in Port Moresby today.

PNG Warned about Threat of Coffee Berry Borer [photo by nbc news]

Dr. Simbiken said the coffee industry may be reduced to 30 percent, if priority is not given to the issue:

He said "PNG coffee production averages around 995,000 bags, which is less than 60,000 tonnes per year over the last decade. Although this can be heavily affected by factors such as disease, climate, cyclone events, coffee berry borer is a real threat. If nothing is done, if we are complacent, it will kill the industry down to just 30 percent. We need to give significant priority to this pest."

Dr. Simbiken also said the Agriculture Commercialisation and Diversification Project will address some of the key challenges in the department and the sector, in terms of institutional capacity building, and access to agriculture feeder roads.

NBC News / PNG Today 

Next : PNGEC releases funds for common roll updates

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