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Marape Commends PNG Customs for Exceptional Performance Despite Economic Challenges

  Prime Minister Hon. James Marape has commended PNG Customs for its remarkable revenue growth over the past five years, despite the challenging economic conditions facing the country.

In his comments on the PNG Customs performance report for May 2024, Prime Minister Marape highlighted that PNG Customs recorded an impressive K3.9 billion in revenue collections for 2023, the highest under any government.

“PNG Customs has recorded K3.9 billion in revenue collections for last year (2023), which is the highest under any government,” said Prime Minister Marape. He emphasized that this figure represented a significant increase of K672.08 million, or 21 percent, compared to 2019, the first year of his administration.

Over the last four years, PNG Customs has consistently collected an average of K3.34 billion per year, achieving an average annual growth rate of 12 percent. Although revenue collections in 2020 were slightly lower than those in 2019 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the trend has remained positive.

The data available for 2024, covering the first four months of the year, indicates continued positive growth. By April, PNG Customs had recorded revenue collections of K1.2 billion, signaling another year of robust financial performance.

The Marape Government's strong and increasing support for compliance enforcement has been instrumental in improving compliance and boosting revenue collection, according to PNG Customs. The agency expressed optimism that it would meet the Government’s 2024 revenue projection of K4.25 billion.

Prime Minister Marape extended his gratitude to Customs Chief Commissioner David Towe and his staff for their outstanding work. He assured that his government would continue to support PNG Customs in the future.

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