PNG Public Servants Overseas Travels scrutinized
All Departmental Heads and Mangers as well as ordinary public servants who wish to make business trips overseas, will now seek approval from the Chief Secretary's Office.
Last month Chief Secretary to government Issac Lupari has sent out a memo instructing every government officers to stop unnecessary overseas trips.
This was initiated by the former Chief Secretary Sir Manasupe Zurenouc , however, it was not effectively implemented.
This time Lupari said all overseas trips will be scrutinized.
His instruction follows a hefty 50 to 60 million kina being spent on oversees travels last year.
" some of the meetings are not necessary for them, the Departmental Heads & and government ministers to attend, we can get our missions abroad to attend on our behalf.They don't have to go. From now on all travel request will be screened at my office, if they are genuine with promise of greater benefit to the country will be allowed. Otherwise, we can arrange for overseas mission to attend and report back,"
The Chief Secretary said, Prime minister Peter ONeill has directed, all government ministers trip will be dealt at the Prime Ministers Office, whilst all departmental heads and managers travel will be directed to Chief Secretary's Office.
Mr. Lupari has also advised that any requests for overseas trips must be made three weeks in advance.
NBC/ PNG Today
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