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Allegations of Misconduct against Maprik MP John Simon Cleared

Maprik MP John Simon has been cleared by a Leadership Tribunal, on all nine allegations of misconduct in office.

Mr. Simon was referred to the tribunal, by the Ombudsman Commission following a complaint from former Maprik MP Gabriel Kapris.

The allegations relate to the MP, engaging his own companies to work in the District and later getting paid for it.

He was further accused of paying his supporters in the guise of implementing agricultural projects, and other projects.

Lawyers made a 'No Case Submission' on behalf of Mr. Simon on the 19th of December 2019.

This submission was upheld by the tribunal consisting of Justice Nicholas Miviri as Chairman, and Senior Magistrate's Michael Apie'e and Nancy Lipai, this morning.

The tribunal in their ruling said that the Ombudsman Commission has failed, because they never conducted any investigations into the allegations when it was raised by Mr. Kapris, therefore it would be contrary to law and the Constitution, to act on it to further the inquiry.

The Tribunal also ruled that though the companies listed were the MP's, he never actively aided or influenced the decision to pay these companies, and the monies allegedly paid to his supporters were in actual fact paid as agricultural grants to farmers in the District, by the District Treasury after following proper processes.

The tribunal also ordered that all allegations against Mr. Simon be dismissed forthwith, and he is allowed to perform his duties as the mandated leader of Maprik.

NBC News / PNG Today

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